

opinionOpinion is a fickle word. Opinion is point of view, frame of reference and it is both everything and nothing. It is set in stone and it is set in quicksand, it is lighter than a feather and it is heavier than lead. Opinion is the air that you breathe and it is the concrete that you walk on. Opinion is the white hot fire and the deepest chill.

Let us examine a practical example of the information contained in an opinion:

Donald Trump opines that the Judge in the Oscar Pistorius murder case “is a moron”

This simple three word opinion supplies rich and vast amounts of information.

Firstly, it informs that the results of the murder trial is controversial.

Secondly, it informs us that a person, Donald Trump, is certain that another person, a Judge, is a moron.

Thirdly, it says that Donald Trump is in fact a moron as moron is completely the wrong word to use to describe someone with multiple college degrees and vast judicial experience.

Fourthly, it informs that Donald Trump is not a person to disagree with and that on a balance of probability, Donald Trump bears grudges

Fifthly, Donald Trump commenting on something that happened half way around the world, simply based on his emotive response and in an overly powerful unintelligible three word pile up towards a black female judge, may be an indication of other issues.

There is so much more, but so little time and so much to do. In closing, there is much power in words and sometimes the choices we effect on the use of our words reveal thousands of other words about us, that we did not have to use.