Another brick in the wall

We consist of many bricks.


Thoughts, decisions and even events shape our many and different walls.

We are so much more than one thing, yet, we are rarely even close to unique.

We struggle to accept the “light switch” and we strive to prove just how singular we are…

Generalisation much?

Even in our uniqueness and our “unique” ideas are hardly unique. Bricks built on existing walls, crumbled brick added to a new brick. (thanks to Pink)

Walls can become structures.

Structures can join, support and include retaining walls.

In the construction of life, the fleeting micro seconds of our shared existence we spin complex structures, one brick at a time.

We think we are important, we think that we matter

We see a billionth of a second as a lifetime and cannot fully comprehend even a full second.

We cannot imagine even a single trillion years when we live a billionth of a second at a time.

If a trillion years was one second it would still only be another brick in the wall.

Categorized as Life

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