What is happening America?

Unlike the Universe, America seems to have stopped expanding. The USA is a nation of  immigrants (except for the very few native Americans), yet the culture seems to have matured (or morphed?) into that of: “a Great Wall of Mexico is such a cool idea” culture. Close the borders, stop immigration (or make it as… Continue reading What is happening America?

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American children joining ISIS

When this started happening, it was shocking, confusing and simply scary. The thought that children could so easily be convinced that the USA was evil. The next thought, that a child could join a war, decide to sacrifice their lives. Decide to cause massive emotional trauma to their families… Why are children so easily brainwashed… Continue reading American children joining ISIS

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DBR (Death By Robot)

The events of July 2, 2015 at the Volkswagen factory, Baunatal, Germany will be remembered as the first day a Robot directly killed a person. Yes, people have died before as a result of mechanical action, but not by a specific robotic device with limited intelligence moving in an unexpected manner. Science fiction writers padded… Continue reading DBR (Death By Robot)

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The death of Social Media

Seen on Forbes.com : less than 140 character highlighted blue area with small blue bird. To place this “innovation” in perspective: It empowers he reader of the marketing article, which itself was “contributed” to Forbes, to lazily click in order to promote the soundbite to their social media feed.  The sole purpose and dual benefactors… Continue reading The death of Social Media

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On the set of new produced and staged viral video: man with towel wrapped around head, AK 47 at the ready, asks young pregnant girl a single question: ” Christian or Muslim?” “Buddist”, she replies as the gunmen unleashes a burst of gunfire into her abdomen. “Christian or Muslim?”, the question is repeated to a… Continue reading focus

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I know, right… (IKR/ikr) No, you do not know. Not all of it anyway as knowing is relative and as with anything that is relative it requires something else. a partner. Identification, classification and feeling. a Need, prowling the psyche. a Hungry lion hunting for acceptance, always checking patterns, always checking for feedback.  Always concerned… Continue reading ikr

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Never has a single word provided, provoked and demanded so much thought and yet delivered so little, all at the same time. A very strong argument could be made that ignorance is entropy that empowers life itself. Without ignorance life may be unbearable, it is also unbearable because of it. Ignorance defines humanity and humanity… Continue reading Ignorance

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Opinion is a fickle word. Opinion is point of view, frame of reference and it is both everything and nothing. It is set in stone and it is set in quicksand, it is lighter than a feather and it is heavier than lead. Opinion is the air that you breathe and it is the concrete… Continue reading opinion

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Actions of the late Robin Williams is the coffee smell that shook the world awake. In the NY Times,  Professor of psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Kay Redfield Jameson, opined: “Suicidal depression involves a kind of pain and hopelessness that is impossible to describe — and I have tried…”  in reference to… Continue reading depression

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Supposedly, opportunity is a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. It is also the name of a NASA mars rover with a 10 year birthday, today.  (25 January 2004 Opportunity landed on Mars)       Between the 26 December 2013 and 8 January 2014 a rock, just over… Continue reading opportunity

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