
Death is the evolution of energy and life.

Death is the same for human, plant, animal and machine.

Simply a light turned off.

Soon you will die.

You will enter an inanimate state, devoid of life.

Some objects are still usable and valuable in death. Not you, your resources has to be allocated, divided and consumed.

You will be forgotten, no matter how famous, important or valuable you have convinced yourself you are.

If you were notable, history about you may even be altered. Changed by the living. Your core becomes something which you were not. What you considered your legacy becomes nobody.

Whether you were notable or not, death is the ultimate destruction of your essence.

Death is inescapable.

When all the energy in the universe is completely consumed even the machine will die.

The death of the machine will not be dramatic and in its gradual demise, right at the end, the machine will be dead.

Even death will die.

Death will evolve to become nothing

Death is not a thing. Death is no thing. Death is nothing.

Categorized as Life