

I know, right… (IKR/ikr)

No, you do not know. Not all of it anyway as knowing is relative and as with anything that is relative it requires something else.

a partner.

Identification, classification and feeling. a Need, prowling the psyche. a Hungry lion hunting for acceptance, always checking patterns, always checking for feedback.  Always concerned with what others think, what others say, what others feel, constantly judging, constantly adapting.

To claim to know is like claiming to have eaten the moon. Ridiculous notion, unless you are a tiny atomic sized black hole, a component of the dimensional sieve, soon to be left naked by the particle accelerator for all to see.  Too little, too late and too bad. Too bad and too sad.

Imagine knowing. Dreaming about knowledge. Knowledge is power. The sharp edge of the tongue stabbing, stabbing, stabbing. Violence and anger, emotion. Sharing is caring. Caring is sharing. The more you care the harder you feel the harder you feel the more you stab. Diatribal length reached.

Ignorance and knowledge sitting in a tree, kay eye ess, ess, eye enn, gee…

Categorized as Life