Make America Great Again

Tax Automation.

Economics: Capital + Labor + Resources + Organization

There are core differences between the results of the Industrial Revolution and that of the Automation Revolution.

Some of the main differences are to be found in the various “sweet spots” (where there are enough new opportunities stimulating both horizontal and vertical sector growth). Which in turn created new employment,  involvement and opportunities for both labor and organization.

The Automation Revolution (and the Information Revolution) has an end game of zero numbers, in terms of both labor and organization. The line between Capital and Resources is simultaneously becoming less visible each passing year.

a Recent visit to a dairy product manufacturing plant found that the entire plant only employed two full time staff. The plant produces millions of product units each day. Currently there are still truck drivers delivering raw products and collecting finished goods. These truck drivers will also shortly be unemployed (as self driving trucks take over). The entire channel is reducing labor and organization inputs to near zero (with a final goal of zero).

This Automation Revolution is seeing an eventual redundancy in both labor and organization, not just a reduction. The remaining open employment sectors are not able to carry the numbers required to balance the books.

Of course one would have to apply all the fruits from any such taxation directly (correctly)…

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