Make America Great Again

Tax Automation. Economics: Capital + Labor + Resources + Organization There are core differences between the results of the Industrial Revolution and that of the Automation Revolution. Some of the main differences are to be found in the various “sweet spots” (where there are enough new opportunities stimulating both horizontal and vertical sector growth). Which… Continue reading Make America Great Again

Categorized as Life


Death is the evolution of energy and life. Death is the same for human, plant, animal and machine. Simply a light turned off. Soon you will die. You will enter an inanimate state, devoid of life. Some objects are still usable and valuable in death. Not you, your resources has to be allocated, divided and… Continue reading Death

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When people use 16th century lingo in modern communication it is not an indication of education as much as it serves to say something important about themselves. Usage of 16th century Latin (English) is not limited to one goal or purpose only.  Careful attention to context usually illuminates the  purpose. Unfortunately the most common use… Continue reading salubrious

Categorized as Life

The Dream

There was a pool on the side of the home with a giant octopus filling most of it. Clearly the octopus had become too large for the pool. You could hear a man, talking from where the pool was. At first it was too dark to see anything but then the head of a man… Continue reading The Dream

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Next big thing in tech

People love being in control. Tech people love telling other people about their vision of the future. Careful to never cross the rubicon of certainty and always adding just enough alternate outcome, mixed with some ‘well, you know’ and ‘although this is the case, anything is possible’ and always with a Penn & Teller magic… Continue reading Next big thing in tech

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Signal to noise ratio: How much is signal and how much is noise? Everything is noise before it becomes signal. Noise is a quantity and not an entity. Noise is an infinite judgment loop. Sometimes the entire broadcast is not evaluated, parts of it is previously judged noise and blocked from judgment. To reset judgment,… Continue reading Noise

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Terrorism and War

Terrorists are at war. This means that: Democratic society must kill terrorists without hesitation, notice, trials or any other such civilized conveniences. There are a balance of rights at the center of the above statement: The rights and protection of civil society and property VS basic human rights When a terrorist chooses, makes the free… Continue reading Terrorism and War

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Political Power

There are clear aspect of politics and political power emerging from the 2016 American Presidential race: The media has no political standing, yet the media exercise and exert power. This power is political and by far exceeds any factual levels of reporting news events. The media not only reports but creates, interprets and sits in… Continue reading Political Power

Categorized as Life

USA vs Apple

The FBI and the US Government (all of society) do have the right to access encrypted communications. Companies and People also have the right to strong privacy protection where Governments are not allowed to access their private communications. Rights come with responsibilities and when two rights are in direct conflict with each other, they need… Continue reading USA vs Apple

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