
What a word. Well, each word out there deserves it’s own consideration but the word ‘instant’ does describe many very important aspects of life. Life itself. Your life is instant, even if from your point of view it seems like you are going to live forever, believe me, your forever is not even a blink… Continue reading Instant

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And the point is…

If you are sufficiently evolved and managed to provide yourself with enough of the luxury item called ‘time’ you have probably figured out that even the meaningful cards at the end of each one of Charles Michael Levine‘s  Big Mac(s), have no point. To provide those less fortunate with instant gratification: Life has no point.… Continue reading And the point is…

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In 2014 the most important city on the planet is still New York City (NYC). Not only is it an economic powerhouse but it is also the cultural hub of the USA and not only sets the pace for the trends it creates but it also determines the pace and direction of taste developers for… Continue reading NYC

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