Political Power

There are clear aspect of politics and political power emerging from the 2016 American Presidential race:

The media has no political standing, yet the media exercise and exert power. This power is political and by far exceeds any factual levels of reporting news events.

The media not only reports but creates, interprets and sits in judgment of anything and everything.

Political¹  :the use of power by one person to affect the behavior of another person

The famous American character, Donald² should teach us something about politics and the meaning of political.

June 2015, he announced his candidacy for President of the United States of America and said: “Make America Great Again!”

Immediately this sentiment caught on like wildfire and although Donald has made many controversial comments, upset many apple carts and insulted groups of society, it seems that society itself is not rejecting what the candidate has to say about many controversial issues of the day.

Donald has not fallen in with the media bosses, or anyone, actually and is proud that, in his own words, he calls it like he sees it.

To receive political power, in a democratic society, it has to be given to one person by the majority of society.

If, in your own opinions, the majority of society is wrong you have the option to speak out and to voice your opinion(s). If nobody listens or wants to listen, or if too few people listen and the majority still do not agree, why would you then think it is okay or acceptable to commit criminal actions?

To attend an event, hosted by a political candidate, with the goal of causing a disturbance or disrupting the event, is not democratic and is simply a criminal action.

The media not only reports on such disruptions but in fact report on the non news (creating, opining and even altering news) that the candidate did not denounce violence at such an event (where criminals were violently removed) by adding not only editorial comments, but actually adding events and results to news reporting.

There is much to learn from Donald about where true political power in America lies.

[1] What others say about Political :

Merriam-Webster says: “Full Definition of political. 1 a : of or relating to government, a government, or the conduct of government b : of, relating to, or concerned with the making as distinguished from the administration of governmental policy. 2 : of, relating to, involving, or involved in politics and especially party politics.

Google: “Politics (from Greek: πολιτικός politikos, definition “of, for, or relating to citizens”) is the making of a common decision for a group of people, that is, a uniform decision applying in the same way to all members of the group. It also involves the use of power by one person to affect the behavior of another person”

[2]  Not Donald Duck of Walt Disney fame (Donald Duck was born on June 9, 1934 A fine specimen of American Pekin Duck and still alive (and even kicking) at 82 years of age. Amount of pages in Google search results: About 14 100 000)

but Donald Trump of 2016 US Presidential race fame (Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946. A fine specimen of an American businessman, politician, television personality. Amount of pages in Google search results: About 354 000 000 and increasing faster than the dollar counter on the American Deficit board)

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